Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why Family Trust are NOT only for Millionaire....

If you’re like most business owners, you probably think of trusts as powerful financial tools used by the ultra-rich. Well, you’d be wrong. They are powerful financial tools, but they’re not just for the rich. They’re used by all kinds of financially savvy business people who know about the benefits they offer and save a lot of money using them to their advantage.

You don’t have to have millions of dollars to take advantage of those benefits. As a business owners, the setup fees of a trust is usually worth while as you can save up to $35,000 per $100,000 of profit. You can set up a simple trust for a few thousand dollars.

In addition, did you know that if you have 2 wills drafted (personal & corporate) the corporate will allow you to avoid probate fee (taxes payable at death)and save you thousand of dollars. I highly recommend that you contact me if you wish to learn more.

The goal of this posting is simply to make you more aware of trusts and what they can do for you and your estate plan. Keep in mind that trusts can be very complex and that you definitely need the help of a professional to know how a trust would help you in your specific situation.

If you have any questions on the above, please contact me at hugues.boisvert@andrewsrobichaud.com

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